How Shield reduced total cost of fulfillment by 23% with Fulfill

Learn how Shield supercharged logistics and streamlined order fulfillment with Fulfill’s precise matchmaking.


decrease in per-order fulfillment cost


reduction in average pick and pack costs per order


improvement in carrier rates per order

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Trusted by 3,000+ eCommerce and Retail brands globally

“Fulfill saved me a ton of time. There wasn't enough time in my day to build all those relationships like they did. It's just no risk.”
CEO and Founder at Shield
JP Milano

Learn how Shield supercharged logistics and streamlined order fulfillment with Fulfill’s precise matchmaking.

Founded in 2023, Shield is a dermatologist-approved acne system designed specifically for men's skin. The system includes a face wash, moisturizer, and pimple patches that quickly clear acne while being gentle enough for even sensitive skin.

Shield needed a cost-competitive 3PL partner to handle their order fulfillment

Shield’s growth skyrocketed to more than 2,000 monthly orders in the first six months. Initially, the team relied on their manufacturer as a 3PL. This solution, while simple, proved unsustainable.

The manufacturer lacked a cost structure suited for DTC fulfillment and quickly hiked prices — twice. After evaluating over 100 3PLs, Shield found none offering a desirable combination of competitive pricing and robust service-level agreements.

Initially, the Shield team spent dozens of hours reaching out to, setting up calls for fulfillment discussions, and reviewing price estimates, but Shield’s Founder and CEO, JP Milano, couldn’t get competitive and transparent price estimates from 3PLs, slowing down their fulfillment search. 

That’s when Fulfill stepped in to help JP and his team identify 3PL cost leaders with reliable service levels and customer service.

“Securing accurate quotes from 3PLs was a major hurdle. Lengthy phone calls were required to gather details, which significantly slowed down the process.”

Shield streamlined its 3PL RFP with Fulfill’s custom 3PL search of 600+ vetted best-in-class 3PL partners

Right away, the Shield team had access to Fulfill’s entire network of 650 3PLs, allowing them to choose the ones that best fit their needs. And, thanks to Fufill’s free matchmaking service for brands, Shield could explore several options without financial commitment.

With Fulfill’s efficient matchmaking process, Shield no longer had to make multiple phone calls with hundreds of 3PLs only to get an accurate price quote at the very last call. Even better, Fulfill sent a shortlist of the cost-leaders in DTC lightweight order fulfillment with reliable SLAs.

JP says that since working with  Fulfill, his team has saved up to a week of work in finding potential fulfillment partners. This allowed Shield’s team to spend more time focused on product development, marketing, and sales.

By leveraging Fulfill’s expertise, Shield found a strong 3PL partner, Pitted Logistics, that streamlined its operations, allowing the brand to offer faster, cheaper shipping and reduce the total cost of fulfillment.

“Even though I found some decent 3PL partner options, Fulfill came back with a dozen that were even better. Plus, their no-risk approach and minimal time investment made the whole process a breeze.”

Shield reduced total cost of fulfillment by 23% with Fulfill

Leveraging Fulfill’s network and 3PL matchmaking service allowed Shield to streamline its fulfillment search, reduce the total cost of fulfillment (including pick & pack costs, storage costs, carrier shipping rates, receiving, and packaging costs), and offer improved shipping times to customers. Instead of dozens of unsuccessful 3PL calls, Shield spent less than a week honing in on their best-fit 3PL partner.

What’s more, Shield expedited its supply chain lifecycle as Pitted Logistics introduced Shield to a local manufacturer that specializes in supplement manufacturing, allowing for quicker product replenishment and optimized inbound freight costs.

Here are the overall results:

  • 23% decrease in total cost of fulfillment
  • $0.60 reduction in average pick and pack costs per order
  • $2.00 improvement in carrier rates per order

Shield is now confident that, because of Fulfill's help finding and negotiating with Pitted Logistics, they can scale their business to significantly over the next few years.

“Fulfill impressed me with how open they were in knowing what I really need. They prioritized finding the perfect 3PL for my needs, even suggesting alternatives if a partner wasn't the best fit.”