Client Results

We work closely with our clients to optimize their 3PL solutions. Here are a few recent placements showcasing how we have helped our clients build more efficient fulfillment programs.

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How Shield reduced total cost of fulfillment by 23% with Fulfill

Learn how Shield supercharged logistics and streamlined order fulfillment with Fulfill’s precise matchmaking.

How Kiss My Keto reduced carrier rates by 41% with Fulfill

Learn how Kiss My Keto connected with best-in-class 3PL partners using Fulfill’s matchmaking platform.


Using the Fulfill 3PL Finder service, CROSSNET saved $500,000 in orders that were backlogged with their previous 3PL.

Money Saved By Switching 3PL Provider


3PL Search Time

9 Days

Our Role:

3PL Finder Matchmaking Service

Company Profile:

The World's Fastest Growing Backyard Game

Bear Balanced

After working with, Bear Balanced was able to save 30% in fulfillment fees and condense its fulfillment search time to 3 days

Fulfillment Fee Reduction


3PL Search Time

3 Days

Our Role:

3PL Finder Matchmaking Service

Company Profile:

Growing Consumer Packaged Goods Company